Don’s adorable outfit is from Kid to Kid. The jeans were only $4.99!
When Don was born, I was so, so excited! But I grew up with all sisters and my husband doesn’t let me dress him, so I was a little clueless as to how to dress Don. Here are my rules for dressing little boys:
no super baggy pants
Here’s the thing- when you shop the little boy pants area, 90% of them are super baggy jeans. And they you put them on, and (to me) he looks a little like a slob. So what do I do instead? I buy him joggers from the boy section or buy the jeans from the girl section. As long as they don’t have pink bows or glitter, no one can tell what section they are from.
no characters
I don’t mind fun, happy, generic pattern on little kid clothes (in fact, I love it!). But I am not a fan of licensed characters on clothes. Personally, I think it is a little tacky and dates the outfit. Side note, Don still doesn’t care what he wears. He expresses his personality with the books he reads and the toys he plays with. I know one day that I won’t be able to dictate what he wears, so for now, I’m enjoying it.
accessorize with hats and bandannas
When Don was first born, I was not sure how to accessorize a boy. With a girl its all about bows, but boys have fun ways to add a little fun. For me, its with hats and bandannas (or scarfs or bowties- any neck wear). This where we add personality and style and really finish off the outfit.
don’s uniform
My go-to outfit with Don is a grey shirt and jeans. Maybe a little boring, but for me, its classic and his sweet curls and blue green eyes can shine through with a simple outfit. He’ll wear brighter, crazier stuff on occasion when dad or grandma dress him, but this how I think he looks cutest.
shopping for mixing and matching
I like shopping for Don in a way that all of his clothes mostly match. For tops I like stripes, grey, blue, Henley styles, and subtle fun patterns. I avoid white since he stains them so quickly (also, that’s why I use bandannas so much- they save shirts from stains). For pants I like jeans, grey, blue, black, and joggers. It’s pretty simple and results in cute, easy to put together outfits.
kid to kid
My two favorite outfits in this post, came from Kid to Kid! If you aren’t familiar, this is a store where you can buy pre-loved, outgrown kid clothes and toys. Honestly, they have awesome clothes and I can always find something I love! Plus, they are super organized so you can find the size and style you want pretty quickly.
Kid to Kid is a company started in Sandy, Utah and this year they are celebrating their 25 year anniversary! They are a franchise with over 100 locations across the US. What I love about them is that most are women-owned and operated.

This post is sponsored by Kid to Kid. I’ve shopped with them since Don was born and I honestly love them for well priced, super cute kid clothes. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.