A few weeks ago, I shared my cleaning schedule on Instagram. Since I now have a small house with 5 rooms, I tackle one room each weekday and spend 15 minutes deep cleaning it. That’s all it’s been taking to feel like I have a clean house! I’ve gotten so many messages about it, I thought I’d dive deeper into… Read More
How To keep a Dining Room Rug Clean
Whenever I show a picture of my kitchen with my dining table, I always get questions about it- how do you keep that rug clean? Is it even practical to have a table under where you eat? Yes! To me it is! I love the look, but I also know how to keep the rug clean. If you’re wanting… Read More
100 Ways to Make your House Eco Friendly
Hey friends! Making my home a beautiful place is definitely my favorite thing. But what I don’t talk about much is that I also try to do little things to be environmentally conscious at home! So today I want to share with you 100 ways to make your house eco friendly, too.
Cleaning Challenge
Here’s the thing, I don’t like cleaning my house. I like de-cluttering it and decorating it, but cleaning is for the birds. The issue is that when my house is messy that it drives me crazy. So either my husband and I need to clean it or I need to pay someone to do it. #dreamscenerio #oneday the best cleaning… Read More