In the past 7 months I’ve done a lot of DIY projects around our house. I’m constantly asked how different ones are holding up, so I thought I’d put up a post with the good, the bad, and the ugly.
how’s that holding up- painted tile floors

In January, I painted the tile floor between my kitchen and bathroom. It it is a medium traffic area- we all use that bathroom everyday so it gets plenty of use. The white paint does get dirty easily, that’s pretty normal though. I’m happy to report that the paint has held up wonderfully. Not a single scratch! Here’s a picture of it right now- not clean. But holding up nicely.
In one small area, I did make a mistake. I was putting in the concrete counter top and it splashed on the floor. It has permanent dirt spots there. I should have used a bigger drop cloth. Now, I need to use a small paint brush and paint over the concrete splatter and then reseal that part.
Pink tub- how’s that holding up?
One of the first projects I did in this house was painting the claw foot tub with pink chalk paint. This was a super fast project. Again, this is one that has worn great. I haven’t seen one issue. Because of the way the tub is shaped, water doesn’t run down it. Its rarely touched so its a pretty easy to keep nice without any effort 😉
painted fridge- how’s that project holding up?
I was SO excited to paint our boring white fridge pink. The pink chalk paint has held up amazing well. Not a scratch in sight! And we eat at home most meals so it gets TON of use. But what didn’t hold up so well is the handle-
When I painted the fridge, I primed it with a product called Slick Stick. But I didn’t do the same with the handle- I just spray painted it. And everyday a little bit more wore off. I had a bunch of pictures taken in here, so I touched it with gold craft paint (it was still too cold to spray paint at that point). The craft paint has worn great though! No more chips after that touch up.
I should have used the Slick Stick on the handle before spray painting. I believe that would have avoided the chipping.
peel and stick backsplash 
I had an ugly tile backsplash. Since it wasn’t my taste, I decided to cover it with peel and stick tiles. Now I LOVE the backsplash- the hexagon marble look is super cute! It has stayed up wonderfully. Not a single piece has came off. It looks as good as when it was installed and it cleans well. This is a project I really suggest if you’re not in love with your backsplash or don’t have one.
painted countertops
I’m saving up for a big kitchen renovation. In the meanwhile, I painted the countertops to look like marble. To me, the countertops look so much better! They’re at least in my color palette. I clean them as normal. Mostly, they’ve held up pretty good. They don’t do well around water though. So around the sink, there’s some paint that has lifted.
You can see in the grout lines on the left side of the photo that I need to do some touch ups. My suggestion is to not let any water stand on painted countertops. Which is tricky. Just be prepared to do some touch ups because with kitchens, it’s pretty inevitable that water will wear off some of the paint.
I’ll update this again after I touch up this area. Maybe I didn’t prime well enough? Maybe it is the water area. I’ll keep you posted.
For the last project that I’m doing an update on- my painted cabinets. These have held up relatively well. There are a few chips in the paint here and there (you can see one on the right side of this drawer).
Like I mentioned, our kitchen is used every day for most meals. So yes, it has gotten chipped here and there with the constant use. Again, I just need to do a few small touch ups and they don’t really bug me. I don’t even know how these chips happen. Even though they’re a little annoying, I WAY prefer them over having the whole room covered in dark wood cabinets that I hate.
So there you have it, how my most popular DIY projects have worn. What do you think? Any surprises?
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Absolutely beautiful and amazing tips.
So helpful to hear the follow up! I’m wondering about the peel and stick tiles in the bathroom. How have they held up?
Hi Anastasia! They’ve held up great! They are all still sticking and look the same as when I put them down. I haven’t had any issues with them at all.