I was decorating my son’s room and put a rainbow macrame wall hanging that I had just made on one door knob of the closet. It looked cute, but needed something to balance it out. So I thought I could make a sun macrame piece to compliment the rainbow! Want to make one too? Here are the instructions-
how to make a Sun Macrame wall hanging
To begin, let’s start with the video tutorial so you get an overview on what I did. Then, I’ll dive in with more details below:
If the video doesn’t work here, you can watch it on YouTube here. I’d be over the moon happy if you subscribed to my YouTube channel! Videos are actually released on YouTube first (usually the night before they’re published on the blog). Thank you!
back story
After I finished the rainbow, I was excited to make the sun, so I started right away. Then I got a message on Instagram concerned about the rainbows in my son’s room and worried that his friends would make fun of him. Asking if my husband was ok with it? She also insinuated that it might affect his sexuality. The message was trying to be nice (I guess), but it really upset me.
At the surface level, my son is in kindergarten. Colors are fun. His friends just care about playing. I love seeing his friends experience our house- they enjoy the colorful and fun decor. Don is fine with my rainbow additions (his room is mostly neutral or dinosaur themed) and when he gets sick of my rainbows it’ll be a fun excuse to redecorate- lol.
Honestly, I should be used to questions like this. When I decorated Don’s sailing themed room when he was 3 I put in a wood tea set. Let’s be real- that tea set was for me. I thought it would be cute. Since Don doesn’t have siblings, I spend lots of time playing with him so I like to add stuff I like too.
Anyway, someone reached out concerned that he was playing with a girl’s toy (she actually said tsk tsk about it). Oh brother. It’s just pretend play. And do boys not drink beverages? I’m just not sure why there has to be such an emphasis on boy and girl stuff. If they like it- that’s all that matters.
I’m really trying to raise a kid who can be exactly who he is. No matter what, I’ll support that.
For years I’ve gotten messages about my poor husband and son living in a pink house. I mostly let it go, and sometimes make a sassy video in return- lol. I’m trying to be mentally stronger and not let things like this get to me.
For the record, messaging me about my son’s sexuality isn’t ok. Obviously! Most people are nice so I don’t think the majority of people need that reminder. I am not concerned about “making him gay” through my decorating. Like I said, however Don grows up will be fine with me and I’ll be his number one supporter.
All this long story to say that it took me a few weeks to finish the sun because I got all bugged. Now it’s done and I’m moving on. FYI- I’ll never stop decorating how I want based on what someone else thinks. No thanks- that’s no way to live. And I hope you don’t either.
After all that want to see how to make the sun macrame?
SUPPLIES for the sun macrame
- 2′ Long Cotton 3/4″ Rope from Amazon for 10′ or cotton rope by the yard from Joann
- 8″ Gold Metal Hoop from Amazon. Mine is from Joann, I can’t find the link online. Here’s one 8″ hoop on Etsy
- Lemon Yarn from Amazon or Lemon Yarn for 1/2 the price from Michaels (you can also get it in person at Joann)
- Yellow Wool Felt Balls
For this project I spent $9 on the felt pom pom balls and $2 on the gold floral hoop. I had the rope on hand as well as the yarn. So I spent $11 on this project. If I needed to get the rope ($10) and yarn ($5), that’d add $15 for a total cost of $26 to make the sun macrame.
step 1- connect the rope to the wire
After gathering supplies, begin by sizing the rope to work with the gold hoop.
Start by cutting the rope to size- approximately 24″ long. To make sure the rope was the right size, I used floral wire to attach the rope to the hoop. I cut the rope a little long because I figured it would be better to be long than short. Before cutting the rope, I added tape to the end so it didn’t fray.
The rope was a little floppy on the hoop so I added a few more pieces of wire to secure it. This made it more secure while working on the sun macrame.
step 2- wrap the rope with yarn
Next, begin wrapping the rope in yellow yarn. To do this, tie a knot of yarn onto the rope. I did my know an inch from the end, but I wish I’d done it right at the end of the rope.
The wrapping of the yarn around the rope is a bit of a pain. Why? The yarn needs to be passed through the middle of the hoop. So I cut a bunch of yarn so I didn’t have to maneuver the yarn skein through the hoop.
Timewise, it took me an hour or two to wrap the rope with yarn. This is what I like to call a movie project- it’s perfect to put on a show and work on it while enjoying some TV time. I kept wrapping the yarn around and around the hoop.
Note, as I wrapped the rope and hoop in yarn, I’d remove the wire that held everything together as I got to it. The wire was to temporarily hold the rope to the wire, but it didn’t look good when wrapped. So it looked best to just remove it and it was no longer needed since the yarn holds the rope to the hoop.
Once I’d wrapped most of the rope. I noticed that I had pulled the yarn tight and there was extra that needed to be trimmed off. So I cut the access and finished wrapping everything in yarn.
step 3- hot glue on the sun rays
And now, use a hot glue gun to attach felted wool balls to the ring. I was worried hot glue wouldn’t work and was going to try a needle to string them together. But luckily, by holding the pom poms together for 5 seconds each they stayed great.
I liked one pom pom between the longer sun rays. The fun thing about this project is that it can be changed and customized based on what the maker likes.
Ta da! Here is how the sun macrame turned out! I think it’s cute and sweet. Honestly, I do wish that with the size of the little rainbow, I’d done a 6″ hoop. I think it’s still cute, but wish it was a tiny bit smaller.
This simple sun macrame took about 4 hours to make and I truly think most people could make one. Would you? Do you think it’s cute?
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