Have you ever seen a project so whimsical that it immediately sparks joy? That’s how I felt when I came across a dollhouse coat priced at over $900. While it was stunning, I knew I could create my own version with a bit of creativity and the help of my trusty embroidery machine. The result? A one-of-a-kind coat that celebrates… Read More
Ikea Dollhouse Hack
The Ikea Dollhouse is so affordable at $40. But it’s also really boring and plain. So I thought I’d try my best to make it cute! Ready to build miniature furniture and decorate a tiny house with me?! Let’s get going on this Ikea dollhouse hack!
DIY House Shaped Mailbox
One of my favorite motifs is the house shape. It just does it for me! So I thought I could make a DIY house shaped mailbox to hold my mail. As a fun detail, I’m going to make it look like my house too! inspiration The inspiration for this project is the house shaped mailbox from the movie Little… Read More
Small Billy Bookcase Dollhouse
Last month, I made a dollhouse shaped bookcase. I love it so much, I thought I’d make a mini version. For this I am using the Ikea Billy Bookcase that’s 15 3/4″ wide (half the size of the last one) to make this. It’ll be used specifically for Lego storage, but would also work for any toy storage and the… Read More
Bookshelf Dollhouse- Billy Bookcase
It’s almost holiday time and I want to show you a really great DIY gift idea- a bookshelf dollhouse! In my son’s room we have a bunch of Dollhouse furniture items. I thought next up, I could use the Billy Bookcase to make it into a house shape. The roof section will be for miniatures and the rest will be… Read More
Ikea Alex Desk Hack
For my son Don’s room I want to add a desk where he can do homework and draw. Plus I want some storage for art supplies. So I decided to do an Ikea Alex desk hack! I’ll use the Alex drawers and upgrade them to look like a dollhouse shop. I’m so excited for this project and showing exactly how… Read More