Toy storage sure creeps on you as a new parent! I remember having a newborn and wondering “will he ever be interested in toys?!” Well, he now does and it seems like our small collection of toys has multiplied 10 times! I already owned a bunch of bins and so I kept a bin or two in each room of the… Read More
How to Organize Crafts
Is anyone else out there a craft hoarder?! Like, you do a project, buy the supplies, think you’ll use them again someday and pretty much just end up with a mess? I am shyly raising my hand. Haha! I have a closet in my house just for crafts and right now I can’t open the door without things falling out… Read More
How to Store your Photo Memories
Hi Guys! Photo week continues with a how to store your photo memories. With pictures gone digital it is SO hard to get them off your camera/phone and create something you can hold on to. On Monday I gave my tips for printing Instagram photos. But what about documenting the rest of your adventures? I am a huge memory keeper…. Read More
The Best Way to Organize your Baby’s Closet
So, I’m an organized person. When I was little, I loved the trill of having everything in its place and would play by organizing my toys and eat my treats by color- super normal behaviors like that. Organizing still makes me happy! I got around to adding some great organizational elements to my baby closet today and it was so invigorating… Read More
Organizing your Closet so it stays Organized
Something has gotten into me recently. I now hate chaos and mess. Not that I enjoyed them before, more that I put up with the small messes and clutter life inevitably creates. So today I woke up from a nap and started reading my book*. Here’s what it said “There’s a great line from the poet Anais Nin that reads:… Read More