Hi Friends! I haven’t blogged for a week for one good reason- I’ve been working on my kitchen! Side note, if you ask my two year old son what he wants to do he says “work on the kitchen”- it’s pretty adorable (and only a tiny bit sad). Evidently, we have been tiling, and grouting, and caulking and painting non stop!!! And I’ve missed you guys! Today I get to (finally) share all of the details!
Let’s start with a before (this is what it looked like 1.5 years ago):
I have been dreaming about updating this kitchen ever since we bought it 9 years ago. And this year (thanks to the One Room Challenge) we finally went for it! After 6 weeks of replacing pretty much everything, here’s our after:
hardware / faucet / soap / candle / brass vase (no longer available) / window shade / brass sconce / sink / cake stand (no longer available) / pineapple cutting board / white & gold dishes / abstract art / The Year of Cozy / Eat Beautiful / bike / shelves (no longer available) / tile (no longer available) / quartz (no longer available) / cabinets
I officially have my dream kitchen! The cabinets now go all of the way to the ceiling to maximize the storage. We went with Ikea Bodbyn white cabinets.
stove / tea towel / hand vase (no longer available) / peony art / small knobs / long pulls / tile (no longer available) / quartz (no longer available) / cabinets
Over the stove, we opted for a glass front cabinet where we store all of our everyday dishes. The hardware is from Joss and Main. We choose small knobs for the doors and long pulls for the drawers. Our new convection stainless steel oven is from RC Willey. We love how much faster (and more even) it cooks! My husband got sick of me dropping stuff in our old stove’s burners and the house smelling like smoke so I’m going to have to be a cleaner cook with this one! Haha!
stove / small knobs / long pulls / tile (no longer available) / quartz (no longer available) / cabinets / brass vase (no longer available) / abstract art / tray
counter tops
Our counter tops and subway tile are from Arizona Tile. The quartz was fabricated by Bedrock Quartz. I’d say that the tile is the hero of this kitchen. We went from floor to ceiling with it and it’s the prettiest detail! Subway tile is SO affordable and timeless so it means you can make a big statement with in on a budget (p.s. I will share with you every penny we spent on this renovation next week #staytuned). The quartz counter tops are just ridiculously gorgeous. I love the soft veining and they feel so luxurious and high end. I once had someone tell me that cleaning nice surfaces (stone, tile) is so satisfying because of how pretty it looks when clean. I’m excited to try it out!
stove / tea towel / peony art / small knobs / long pulls / tile (no longer available) / quartz (no longer available) / cabinets / brass flush mount
On the floors, we replace the cracking tile about 6 months ago with a laminate wood. We have loved the wood and feel like the warm up all of the white in our home. I added a pink rug from Joss and Main since everyone needs a soft spot to stand while cooking.hardware / faucet / candle / window shade / brass sconce / sink / tile (no longer available) / quartz (no longer available) / cabinets / peony art / pink rug
subway tile
The back wall of our kitchen used to hold our garbage can. Now it’s the highlight of the space with the subway tile and a framed art of pink peonies from Minted. I wanted to have pink in this kitchen in small, removable doses so art, rug, and accessories were the perfect, soft touch. When I made the mood board for this space long before we started renovating (and I was still scared of this project- with good reason, it was a TON of work), I walked into the kitchen and could just envision this back wall looking amazing. I’m happy to say that my vision came to life and I just love what a statement that back wall is. Here’s the mood board:
And here’s the wall I could just envision in my head (it turned out just like how I imagined it would!)
tile(no longer available)/ quartz (no longer available) / cabinets / peony art / brass flush mount
The right wall of the kitchen probably saw the biggest changes.
hardware / faucet / soap / candle / brass vase (no longer available) / window shade / brass sconce / sink / cake stand (no longer available) / pineapple cutting board / white & gold dishes / abstract art / The Year of Cozy / Eat Beautiful / bike / shelves (no longer available) / tile (no longer available) / quartz (no longer available) / cabinets
To the right of the sink we used to have a counter top but cut it in favor for a floor to ceiling pantry. This piece is packed with functionality! My favorite part is the appliance garage that you can pull out. We mounted a surge protector to the wall so we can plug in anything easily. The pots and pans are now in drawers so we can easily see everything we have instead of crawling on our hands and knees to try to find something.
We used to have a boob light over the sink. My genius husband rewired the light to be a sconce over the window. We framed out the window with trim to give the tile a stopping and starting point. I am in love with the new window shade from Jaime Interiors- I feel like the are so classic and tailored (she has a custom Etsy shop so it was easy to get the perfect fit).
window shade / brass sconce / white & gold dishes / abstract art / The Year of Cozy / Eat Beautiful / bike / shelves (no longer available) / tile (no longer available) /
Our new sink set-up it a dream! Instead of a stainless steel sink, we have one big granite sink from Bedrock quartz. We choose a dark grey color to coordinate with the grey in the veining of the quartz and the grey shelves. The sink is stain, heat, and scratch resistant and we have LOVED it so far! It always looks clean which is much more than I can say for our old stainless steel sink. Will someone please tell me if Don is too big for sink baths?! Haha- I say that he isn’t! The super elegant faucet is from Joss and Main. Similar brass faucets cost around $1000 and this on is around $250- it is the perfect classic piece I needed over here! Plus, I love that it’s affordable AND the look I dreamed of!
faucet / candle / brass vase /
open shelving
If you have been on Pinterest ever, you know that open shelving is all of the rage. Once we added so much extra storage with the pantry, going floor to ceiling with the upper cabinets, and using the lower cabinets smarter, I convinced my husband we had room for open storage.
white & gold dishes / abstract art / The Year of Cozy / Eat Beautiful / bike / shelves (no longer available) / tile (no longer available) /
The shelves are from Shelfology and I love the floating shelf hardware because it means no brackets underneath the shelves. I have been gathering accessories for weeks for these shelves and they were SO fun to accessorize. Isn’t that cute little piece of abstract art from Minted just perfect for the space?!
faucet / soap / window shade / brass sconce / sink / cake stand (no longer available) / pineapple cutting board / white & gold dishes / abstract art / The Year of Cozy / Eat Beautiful / bike / shelves (no longer available) / tile (no longer available) / quartz (no longer available) /
Below the open shelves we still have our dishwasher, but it’s hidden under the pretty panel! Best upgrade ever! We moved our trash can to below the sink which now pulls out like a big drawer. We tried hard with every spot in this kitchen to find a good balance of looks and functionality.
That’s the dishwasher!!! Our old one was rusting inside so it feels so good to upgrade to a prettier option! Plus this one runs on much less water and is more efficient.
Valencia Dress (no longer available)
I made a fun video that shows how we use our kitchen everyday. I feel like a video can show more depth than photos so I hope this gives you a better sense of the space:
I am obsessed with how pretty this kitchen it! But also, I love using it! Since we lived in our old kitchen so long, we really knew how we used the space so we designed it to best accommodate our needs. I want to give a HUGE shout-out to my husband for doing all of the labor for this space. He worked SO hard building the cabinets, mounting them, tiling, putting up the lights- he’s pretty much a superstar.
We had a few people come in our kitchen for deliveries/measure/install a few things and the number one question they asked was why we were renovating such a small kitchen. The outside of our condo complex isn’t so cute so I can see why people would be surprised that we’ve invested in it. But to us, this our home! And I believe that no matter the size of your house or your location or your budget, you have the right to have a beautiful space!
Thank you for joining me on my kitchen tour! Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments! I have a few more kitchen posts coming (including a full budget breakdown). Here are links to past kitchen posts:
Week 5 (when I pretty much realized we wouldn’t finish up on time)
Week 4 (the middle part)– Plus I give tips for what to do when you’re overwhelmed with a project
Week 3– Everything you need to know about quartz countertops
Week 2 I got my cabinets from Ikea. Here’s how that came together
Week 1 How I prepped my house for the kitchen renovation
The inspiration and why I was scared to start this HUGE project
p.s. want a free course on how to style your accessories to look amazing? Click below to get your free ecourse!
This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy. I was given product in exchange for posting about it. I LOVE everything I was given (I hand picked it out) and all opinions are my own.
Congrats on your new kitchen and on your participation on ORC. This year was my first time in the challenge. What a wild ride right?
The lichen looks gorgeous. Live all the attention to detail. Great job!
Hi Ola- this is my 3rd ORC and definitely the most challenging! A kitchen in 6 weeks is tough, but I am SO glad it’s done. Thank you for your kind words!
That is just beautiful! I love seeing before and after photos, and this one really delivers. I especially love those counter tops. My house didn’t even have a kitchen when we moved in…just a gas line and a sink supported in a plywood box. We patched together a makeshift version until we can afford to update, so I’m drooling over your cabinets like most people drool over designer handbags! 🙂
Awww- what a nice thing to say Jayme! And I can’t even image a kitchen with just a gas line! That’s so brave of you!
It looks AMAZING!! Way to go you two!! I love everything about it!!! You really have such great taste!!
Thanks Haylee- that’s so sweet of you!!!
What a lovely kitchen. Well done!
Thank you Brenda! I really appreciate that!
As always you have such great taste! I love it from the tile, knobs, shelves, light…it’s all perfect! That faucet has me drooling! What a change! I know you must dance around every time you walk in there. Hey, if you can squeeze Don’s little tushy in there, I say go for it:-)
This is my first visit here, I saw your link on Inspire me Monday. This is definitely an inspiration. I love your new kitchen! I am sure it makes cooking a pleasure.
Thanks Ellen! I appreciate you stopping by!
This is so beautiful- amazing job! Love your attitude towards design- we all deserve to live in a beautiful, comfortable home, where we are now!
Awww! Thanks Beth! I was just so surprised by how many people didn’t understand why I wanted a nice kitchen without the “perfect” house. Love where you live now!