my top 9 liked images in 2016
Hi guys, I am having an Instagram week over here. I started my Instagram account in September of 2015 from 0 followers and I took images with my iphone and was very proud of them. Early in my blogging adventure, I remember going to a blog conference (just 5 months after I started my blog) and a girl was looking at my images and telling me how good they were. It gave me such a boost of confidence! It was the first time I thought I might be able to actually do something with it.
I kept working on my Instagram and focused on getting better images. In the summer of 2016 my sister gave me her fancy camera as an investment in my little blog. It was beyond generous of her! Since then I have been using it and been trying to up the quality of my images. My Instagram audience has grown from a few thousand to over 49k in that time and I think some of that has to do with the images, right ;). I wanted to go over the equipment I use to get my images in case any of you are out there trying to do the same-